Tuesday, May 7, 2024

At Only 15 Years Old, He Weighed 707 Pounds… When You See Him Today!

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1. Problems with Weight

Meet Jacob Miller. Throughout his entire life he has struggled with his weight. He knows nothing else.[adinserter block=”16″]

2. Young

This is him as a baby, and even here you can see he is quite large. But as he grew up, his problems just seemed to escalate.[adinserter block=”16″]

3. No Control

He was diagnosed with an eating disorder, which got extremely worse when he was a teenager. Those years can be tough when children are at their meanest. For health issues like this, there is a facility for those who are unable to overcome their disorder on their own and can assist them with their eating disorder treatment.

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4. Help

His parents really cared about him, and they didn’t know what they could do to help their son. So they went to seek medical help.[adinserter block=”16″]

5. Surgery

His body is so large with a ridiculous Body Mass Index, that he had to have surgery done to help him lose quite a large sum of weight so that he could avoid all the risks from being overweight. Which include diabetes and cardiovascular problems.[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”5th page”][adinserter block=”16″]

6. Passionate

He is so passionate to put his life on the right track before he finishes high school, that before he even went into surgery, he managed to lose 77lbs by himself.[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

7. A Long Journey

He has now lost quite a large sum of his body fat after the surgery which had helped him quite immensely. But at least he knows he has a long way to go and he needs to keep fighting the good fight.
Source[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”last page”]

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