Friday, May 3, 2024

17 Pictures That Explain Women’s Logic Better

Must read

Any man who has been in a relationship for a long time, probably had to go through all the terrible mood swings and random tantrums that girls have. Moreover, their logic seems completely irrational, so prediction is not possible.

Have you ever wondered the reasons behind such irrational logic? A few people have made a collection of images which they believe perfectly explain women’s logic.

And I am pretty sure that if you are a woman, you can easily relate to this.

1. Showing the world that you are fine but on the inside, you are wrecked


2. What you expect vs. what happens in real life

Source[adinserter block=”16″]

3. Often regretting a decision we made earlier


4. Friend zoning can be confusing

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5. Pinterest always supports women’s logic


6. This is definitely true.

Source[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

7. No one knows why women do this.


8. Yeah, reading is considered classy these days.

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9. Women often misjudge how poor their sense of humour really is.


10. To be honest, this logic sometimes applies to boys too.

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11. Women have to share every bit of news regarding their personal lives with their friends.


12. This picture tells only half the story; women are much more complicated.

Source[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

13. Even women don’t understand themselves.


14. You won’t gain any calories until you eat the entire chocolate, so don’t hesitate to eat half of it.

Source[adinserter block=”16″]

15. Women don’t know the reason either.


16. This picture is absolutely spot on.

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17. You can eat half of any food item, and you will not get fat.

Source[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”last page”]

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