Saturday, May 4, 2024

Yet Another Reason Why You Should NEVER Text Your Ex

Must read

1. The text of desperation

2. John Mayer makes things pretty clear

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3. Shut down

4. A whole lot of nothing is being spewed here

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5. Well, did you?

6. This makes me sad

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7. Bonus points for working “cool story bro” in

8. I meant everything except for the most important part

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9. He took it extremely well

10. Priorities and sadness

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11. This is getting borderline creepy

12. Nothing like sending a photo of a sandwich shop to win her back

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

12. Nothing like sending a photo of a sandwich shop to win her back

13. He just had to get this off his chest

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14. Take. The. Hint.

15. Heading into some serious stalker territory

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