Friday, May 3, 2024

Prince Harry Was Hiding THIS About Princess Diana And It Is Revealed Here

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Diana, Princess of Wales, is one of the most famous people in history. She was beautiful, generous, and deserved to be the wife of Prince Charles. She had a divorce with the Prince of Wales in August 1996, but it was even more depressing when she was killed because of a car crash in Paris, France, on August 31, 1997.

However, it seems that Prince Harry from the Royal Family still has something that the world does not know about Princess Diana.

Check out the story below!


1. Prince Harry and the Royal Family are very kind to charities.

Many charities around the world receive financial support from Prince Harry. Likewise, Prince Harry also helps spread awareness about various causes.

2. He loves to assist veterans and people in third world countries.

Some of his advocacies include helping injured veterans, providing education to people in developing nations, and beating AIDS[adinserter block=”16″]

3. Because of his good deeds, many people can’t help but think of his mother, Princess Diana.

After all, people could not forget how kind Princess Diana was.

4. Diana was “The People’s Princess” because she was so selfless.

Even if she became part of the Royal Family, she was still very down to earth.[adinserter block=”16″]

5. Still, there is one thing Prince Harry wished he did sooner.

When Princess Diana died, Prince Harry was only 12 years old.

6. Prince Harry was feeling alone and sad when she died.

He could not comprehend what was happening anymore and he felt the darkness creeping in.[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

7. He revealed his secret during an event for Heads Together.

Heads Together is a charity interested in mental health. During this event, Prince Harry said that Princess Diana’s death affected him a lot much.

8. Prince Harry regrets not talking about his mother’s death for 28 years.

He wanted people to know that anyone can feel pain, even if they are rich or are part of the Royal Family.[adinserter block=”16″]

9. He said that it is perfectly okay to feel suffering.

However, he clarified that people who suffer should solve it and that they should communicate with others.

10. By bringing up his own problem, he was able to help people with mental health problems.

We’re sure that if Princess Diana was still alive, she’d be proud of her son.[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”last page”]

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