Friday, May 3, 2024

How To Stop Your Period Early

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Some health issues or conditions are unique to a single gender. Menstruation is one such thing. While some women experience extreme abdominal pain during menstruation some experience heavy blood flow than others. Such heavy blood flow or painful periods are unpleasant to experience faced by women month on month. Feel happy to hear that you have complete control over these experiences. You can lessen your blood flow and stop the same when you want to. Continue reading to understand how these magic can be done. Remember, it is always better to consult a qualified medical practitioner before following any of the below methods.

Slowing down or stopping the blood flow

1. Use Ibuprofen

Take a dose of Ibuprofen 3 to 4 times a day to get rid of pain caused during the menstrual periods. Care must be taken not to indulge in overdosage during a 24 hour period. Ibuprofen mitigates menstrual pain in women. It also reduces the flow of menstrual blood by almost 50%. Ibuprofen is said to have totally stopped the flow of blood when consumed by some women. Ensure you consult your Gynecologist before taking multiple doses of Ibuprofen or using it for extended periods of time

2. Water consumption

Consume enough water during your menstrual periods time. This will flush out the unnecessary toxins and fluids out of your body making the blood flow light. Ensure you drink as much water as possible so you have control over your menstrual flow
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3. Fruits and Vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables always provides a lot of health benefits. However, the benefits of eating them are more particularly during the menstrual periods time. When vegetables and fruits are consumed more during the periods, women tend to experience lightened blood flow. A suck on a piece of Lemon or eating green beans has helped many women experience lightened periods and in some, these have even stopped their periods.

4. Drinking Vinegar helps

Take a cup of water. Add two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. Mix well and drink this mixture for 3 to 4 times a day during the periods of time. This will help control the blood flow during the menstrual periods.
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5. Drinking Gelatin stops periods

Mix a bit of Gelatin with a glass of water. Drink the mixture quickly. Consuming this Gelatin water stops the menstrual blood flow in women for approximately three hours

6. Herbal remedies are available too

Shepherd’s purse, Raspberry leaves tea, Angelica root, garden sage and lady mantle are some of the herbal remedies available to stop menstrual bleeding or lighten the same providing relief to the women to a great extent

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7. Menstrual cups can help

While Tampons serve a different purpose menstrual cups catches hold of the blood that tries to come out for almost 12 hours. This means you can stop your menstrual blood from flowing for almost 12 hours using these menstrual cups and get rid of the discomfort caused by the same

Speeding up the blood flow

1. Heat treatment

It is a natural phenomenon that heat pushes fluids outside the body in a faster manner. Massaging or simply having a heat bag over your abdomen can speed up your blood flow process during menstrual times
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2. Uterus massage

Massage the outer area where your uterus lies gently with your hands. This gentle massage will provide a huge relief to your uterus reducing the pain caused due to menstrual cramps. If you feel embarrassed to take this massage in an open environment, perform the massage in a private bedroom or bathroom

3. Sexual Intercourse helps manage

Having physical sex with your partner during menstrual periods helps flush the fluids out of your body in a faster manner. Probably this can be a messy affair and so make yourself ready to handle the same during after the sexual intercourse. Dr. Marquette says the contractions during orgasm will not only help you manage the flow but also helps in pain management in an effective manner
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Long term solutions for menstrual issues

1. Medications and surgeries

Consult with your gynecologist about the medical options available to stop menstrual periods permanently. Depo-Provera is an injection available for those who want to get rid of menstrual periods perpetually. However, this injection must be taken on a regular basis. A couple of surgeries are available for getting rid of these menstrual periods once and for all. They are Hysterectomy which is nothing but totally removing the womb and Endometrial Ablation which means removing the lining of Uterus which is called endometrial lining. If you are yet to become pregnant, performing these surgeries before that may make pregnancy impossible. Consulting a qualified Medical Professional is a must before opting to go in for these surgeries

2. Exercise regularly

We have come across many benefits exercising offers. One of the benefits is shortening and lessening your menstrual periods. This is a harmless way to help yourself with your menstrual problems which will also be highly beneficial to women health when thinking of the same long term

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3. Birth control pills

Contraceptives that do not meddle with the hormones are safe to use to keep you away from the discomfort of menstrual periods. Consuming contraceptive pills continuously for 21 days and then placebo pills for a period of seven days will help you to avoid your menstrual periods. These pills are mainly useful for those women who experience highly painful periods or periods where the blood flow is unmanageably high. With all said and done, these pills may have their own side effects which may be undesirable and sometimes even unmanageable. Consult a qualified Medical Professional before jumping on these pills to safeguard yourself from newer problems

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