Monday, May 6, 2024

How To Get Rid Of A Hickey Fast (Love Bite) – 10 Safe Ways

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There were times when many of us felt highly embarrassed to ask for a solution for certain things that are too personal. Many of us have refrained from asking others preferring to struggle over getting embarrassed. The scenario has changed today thanks to the advent of Internet, a tool that has the solution for every problem irrespective of their size and nature. The internet is so much abuzz with solutions for everything that one need not feel embarrassed at all but get the required solution on the click of a button. One such embarrassing problem for which we thought we would provide quick solutions is the Hickeys. Hickeys are nothing but love bytes caused by the heat of the moment during the foreplay or the real intercourse between a man and his woman. Hickey can be irritating and severe ones may even last for more than a week. Let us have a look at some of the ways to get rid of these hickeys


1. Chilled spoon

This is one of the easiest and effective ways of getting relieved from the nagging pain caused by Hickeys. Keep a large spoon in the freezer and allow it to get cold. Remove the spoon from the freezer. Place it on the hickeys entirely covering the same. Not covering portions of hickeys may make them look worse since the covered area gets treated properly. Ensure you press the cold spoon well on the hickeys. Repeating this as many times as possible will help you get rid of hickeys quickly


2. Compress with Ice cubes or Ice bags

The chilling effect of ice cubes blocks the blood from flowing into hickey affected areas. This immediately avoids the area from getting swollen. Another use of doing this ice treatment is that it prevents the blood from getting clotted in that particular area of Hickey making it look darker in color and bigger in size. When the clotting of blood is prevented right during the initial stages, the bite marks also get prevented from forming on the skin. If the bite is severe, using ice bags will help stop the bleeding right at the beginning stage. If Ice cubes are unavailable for urgent use, Ice packs can be used for narrowing down the damaged capillaries which then takes control of the situation. If you can bear ice cubes directly on your skin, keep pressing them gently on the hickey. Else, wrap them in a clean towel and press the towel over the hickeys to get rid of them


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3. Penny has more value

Hold a coin between your fingers and gently press on the surface of the hickey. This will help clear the blood clot formed around the area. Don’t get bogged down if you see your skin turn red when it is gently rubbed with the coin. The reddishness will fade away in no time. This may be repeated as many times as possible and as long as the skin doesn’t get damaged.



4. Banana peels help get rid of Hickeys

The nutrient rich Banana peels that contain Tryptophan and Potassium are also rich in fiber content. This nutrition present in Banana Peels efficiently cures love bites. Cut the Banana peel into the exact size of the hickey. Place it on the hickey ensuring it fully covers the complete space. Tighten it on the skin with a bandage and leave the same for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the bandage and Banana Peels after 15 minutes. Wipe gently with a clean cloth. Do this at least 4 to 5 times a day to get rid of the hickeys and the marks caused by them


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5. Heat massage clears hickeys

Like the cold treatment, heat treatment also helps in removing the Hickey caused by love bites. Dip a clean towel in hot water and gently massage over the hickey that causes pain and irritation. Alternatively, you can direct the hot air out of a hair dryer on the hickey and mildly rub the same with your fingertips simultaneously. Heat applied in these ways on the Hickey enables a flow of fresh blood in the hickey affected areas by dilating the blood capillaries clearing the clots permanently. Repeat either of the methods as many times as possible and get rid of hickey caused by love bites.



6. Alcohol is good too

One of the most popular choices preferred by many to remove hickey for many years now, this can be considered as a first aid kind of treatment. The cooling effect alcohol possesses and the disinfectant properties it has cures hickey sooner than other methods. Another reason why Alcohol cures Hickey better than any other methods in a quick manner is that of the anti-bacterial quality it gets from its ingredient Isopropyl which is otherwise known as Ethyl. Take a medium sized cotton ball. Dip it in Alcohol and gently rub on the hickey. Massage mildly for a minute or so. Clean the area gently with a clean cloth. Apply a quality skin-friendly moisturizer. Applying moisturizer after every massage using Alcohol is a must since Alcohol can cause damage to the skin


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7. Aloe vera aids in Hickey cure

Aloe vera, which is a treatment for many physical ailments, also helps in getting rid of Hickey. Aloe vera provides a soothing effect when applied on the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties it possesses lessens the sensitivity of the skin affected by the hickey which in turn aides the capillaries to get cured speedily. Press the lower portion of the Aloe vera leaf to get fresh and natural Aloe vera gel. Applying this gel on the skin directly will reduce the inflammation on the skin caused by Hickey. Since Aloe Vera is a natural moisturizer, it will keep the skin healthy every time you apply the same to get rid of Hickey providing the double benefit. In case you do not have access to fresh gel from the Aloe vera plant, go in for Aloe vera lotions and creams available in the market. These penetrate into the skin providing maximum benefits to the same. This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of Hickey. If you have accumulated excess of naturally extracted Aloe vera gel from the plant, refrigerate the same in a silver foil paper which will protect its medicinal properties for a minimum of 20 days



8. Oranges are amazing

Orange is one of the best natural products that are highly friendly to the human skin. Orange which is abundantly rich in Vitamin C is a nutrient which strengthens the capillaries. This, in turn, stabilizes the collagen levels helping to repair the damaged skin. Drink as many glasses of orange juice as possible when you get hickey because of love bite. Regular intake of orange juice cures hickey in a fast manner. Orange is a seasonal fruit and so if they are unavailable, drink the juice of any other fruit rich in Vitamin C like citrus fruits, Papaya and Guava. If nothing is available, take Vitamin C supplements to the extent of maximum 500 Mg. Per day. This will help in rebuilding the collagen content relieving you from hickey at the same time.


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9. Cocoa Butter kicks hickey out

Cocoa Butter has many medicinal uses like strengthening the weak hair scalp, moisturizing the skin, healing the scars and wounds and much more. Cocoa butter is known for its rich antioxidant properties which help it work magic on the skin. The cocoa butters source being fatty acids like Palmitic acid and Oleic acid, its capability to fight against free radicals is high. Thus, it makes the human skin extremely soft by deeply hydrating the same. After doing a hot water massage on the hickey, gently massage the hickey applying Cocoa butter for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeating this treatment for 5 to 6 times a day which will help you get rid of hickey by stimulating the blood circulation



10. Tea Bags give energy externally

Tea has many health benefits one among the same being its positive effects on the human skin. After making a delicious tea, avoid throwing away the tea bags. When they are still warm, place them on the hickey. Repeatedly keep placing the hot tea bags on the hickey till the warmth is gone. Tea bags not only help you get rid of hickey but also remove the marks they may create on your skin. After removing the tea bags from the hickey, wash the surface of the skin with a clean towel. It helps to clear the bruises caused on the skin.


Use any of the tips provided above to get rid of the hickey which can be both embarrassing and irritating.

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