Monday, May 6, 2024

Tragic Ending For Real Life ‘Fault In Our Stars’ Couple

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Katie and Dalton Prager are the real life “Fault In Our Stars” couple and their story is similar to the one in the movie; they both met each other when they were teenagers and fell in love. They got married and are still together while fighting their diseases.

However, their love story is almost over, since Katie, 26, had a failed lung transplant. Currently in hospice care at home in Kentucky, doctors are saying that she has limited time available in this world.

Katie and Dalton Prager (pictured) met when they were both teenagers fighting cystic fibrosis

After a long battle against their multiple diseases — their story similar to the John Green novel ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ — Katie has entered hospice care at home in Kentucky

Katie’s lung transplant didn’t work and doctors now say there is not else they can do for her

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Katie wrote on her YouCaring page that her body is riddled with so many illnesses that it is impossible to fix everything. In fact, her health has been declining at a faster rate than earlier expected.

Dalton, 25, wants to stay by his wife’s side all the time, but even his health is declining at a steady rate. Unfortunately, he is admitted at a hospital in St. Louis due to pneumonia, hence he can’t stay with his wife.

Dalton’s mother, Renee Strausner, said that Dalton only wants to be with Katie and he cares about her a lot. She is trying her best to move him there so that he can be with Katie.

Dalton, 25, wants to stay by his wife’s side all the time, but even his health is declining at a steady rate.

He is admitted at a hospital in St. Louis due to pneumonia.

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Katie said that her body is riddled with so many illnesses that all of them can’t be fixed ever.

The two met when they were teenagers. Just like in the story, Katie heard about Dalton’s condition and decided to show her support. Katie sent him a message on Facebook saying that he can always talk to her if he needs a friend. At that time, Katie was in Kentucky while Dalton was in Missouri.

Gradually, they began to chat, and slowly that progressed to love. Dalton was suffering from a disease caused by extremely contagious bacteria Burkiholderia cepacia, hence doctors advised Katie not to meet him in person.

However, Katie couldn’t resist for much long. She said that she would prefer meeting Dalton and leading a happy life for 5 years rather than a depressing life for 20 years.

    The two met when they were teenagers.

Gradually, they began to chat, and slowly that progressed to love.

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Dalton was suffering from a disease caused by extremely contagious bacteria Burkiholderia cepacia, hence doctors advised Katie not to meet him in person.

They met on August 28, 2009,, when Dalton drove for nearly six hours to a Dairy Queen near Katie’s home in Flemingsburg, Kentucky. Katie said that she was really excited and even before saying anything, she just hugged and kissed him. She added that she isn’t that kind of a girl, but that situation seemed appropriate.

When they were 20 years old, they got married. This took place in 2011.

They were admitted to a hospital in 2014 for lung trasplants. Dalton’s transplant was successful but unfortunately, complications arose in Katie’s case.

She said that she would prefer meeting Dalton and leading a happy life for 5 years rather than a depressing life for 20 years.

They met on August 28, 2009,, when Dalton drove for nearly six hours to a Dairy Queen near Katie’s home in Flemingsburg, Kentucky.

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12. Dalton’s transplant was successful, but complications arose in Katie’s case, as her insurance didn’t cover the transplant costs.

Katie began experiencing problems in breathing in Decmeber, 2014 after she returned to her home in Kentucky. Her insurance cover has been utilised, hence Medicare wouldn’t pay for the costs.

She had to stay out of the hospital for 60 days at least, before she could use her insurance.

She was admitted into University of Kentucky Hospital, but the doctors told her that they couldn’t perform the transplant as it was too risky.

Katie and Dalton are trying to spend the maximum time together now, even though they know that the end might be near. They are still very positive, despite suffering from numerous serious diseases.

They wanted to travel together, but things took a wrong turn after the failed lung transplant. Katie thanked everyone who supported her – “I will be spending the rest of my life with my loved ones and will lead a happy life. But this doesn’t mean I am giving up.”

“’God bless you all and thank you! Love, Katie.’
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Katie, now 26, is now in hospice care in Kentucky after the failed lung transplant. Dalton, 25, will keep on supporting her till the end.

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