Monday, May 6, 2024

Incredible Drone Footage From 20 Forbidden Areas Around The World

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No doubt, drones have completely changed the way of surveillance and security. The days are gone when a human can’t take direct images of a battlefield or any other hard-to-reach place. For all this, say thanks to drones because these days, drones are becoming a popular way of taking awe-inspiring snaps. Such images that make us proud due to the mesmerizing and marvelous world in which we live. On the same hand, drones also help us in remembering that Earth and god-gifted nature both are sad due to the occurrence of destruction and war at several corners of the world.

If you have been reading about UAV or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UUAV) technology, then surely by now you have read about the most popular and widely used aerial vehicle in existence; the UAV or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. One way that the military is using UAVs for a variety of purposes is through the use of drones by Droneuncover. But how does a drone help us? How can a drone help us win the future battle for our freedom? With a drone review, we will be able to learn more about this intriguing technology.

Below given images are an example of such havoc and heart-breaking images. These are such images that are impossible to be clicked without the help of a drone. From sad Syria to refreshing Japan, you find an image of almost every hard-to-reach place. Okay, let’s start now.

1. Syria-

Syrian civil war is a havoc situation for those civilians who caught in the Syrian tanks crossfire. Have a look at Syrian tank during the crossfire. No need to say that the image is clicked by a drone. The 3rdlargest city in Syria, Homs is completely destroyed due to the long-run battle between oppositions and the Syrian government. This resulted in a loss of millions of lives along with entire city’s destruction.
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2. Beijing, China-

Trey Ratcliff is an American refugee who always looking for the way to explore the answer that whyBeijing’s imperial palace is known as “The Forbidden City.” He used a drone to capture few aerial images of the intelligence hubs and head offices of the Chinese government. Although, for all this, Trey Ratcliff paid a huge amount. His drone and he were arrested by the Chinese officials. And after sorting the whole matter, Ratcliff says “Deciding to fly a drone over China is kind of like Luke Skywalker deciding to ride his land speeder on the Death Star,”
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3. Pripyat, Ukraine-

How anyone can forget the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986…? Obviously, after this incidence,nuclear safety became an essential point to consider in such situations. According to scientists and researchers, Chernobyl nuclear missile detecting system was built to detect any signal related to missile attacks and offer an early-warning with the help of powerful radar network. From strong radio signals to early missile detection technology, Chernobyl’s nuclear plant is equipped with all advanced tools. But definitely, all this not going for long since as the plant catches the codename “Russian Woodpecker.” It collapsed that outcomes in a huge loss.
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4. Kazantyp, Crimea-

In 2005,the Crimean Atomic Energy Station was purchased by an anonymous buyer. But before that, it was a great place for music lovers of across the planet. The great part of this location is that it was the first location of the KaZantip music festival which is also known as“Reaktor”. After few years of construction, in 1976, the construction work has been stopped due to unfavorable environmental conditions. Still, this place looks beautiful.
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5. ĹŚkuma, Fukushima, Japan-

In 2011, the 9.0 magnitude earthquake completely threatened ĹŚkuma and its citizen. Just after the earthquake, a tsunami hit the place badly and destroyed the Fukushima-based nuclear power plant completely.The city takes a lot of decades to be inhabited again. Now, Fukushima and nearby areas start restoring the lives.
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6. Area 51, Nevada-

Till date, no one knows the real story about this location. In the 1950s, just after the rumors regarding UFO sightings, U.S Air Force has undertaken and locked this place for citizens. Many American citizens tried to fly their drones over this place in order to snap footage, but no one gets success, except Hans Faulkner. Yes in August 2015, he not only flies the drone over Area 51 but also captured few rarest photos of this hard-to-reach place.
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7. Debaltsevo, Ukraine-

in 2014, militaries of Russia captured Crimea and nearby places, which results in war amid the pro-Russian forces and Ukranian military. Have a look at images of tanks after collapsing the conflict. Usually, the area shown in the image is called as Debaltsevo Cauldron. This is the main battlefield during a war of 2015. Just after one year of the war, the images are posted over the internet. Images are witnessing that the battlefield still holds tanks and other military equipment.
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8. Tar Heel, North Carolina-

The below horrible drone shots are taken by a renowned filmmaker, Mark Devries. Such havoc images exposed the Smithfield Foods, one of the world’s biggest supplier of pork. Smithfield Foods are using terrible methods in manufacturing and processing meat of pigs. At that moment, every nature lover was shocked. The factory employees are disposing the pig waste directly into the river. After this horrible news, the lake was emptied into nearby smaller water bodies in order to purify and make it useable for nearby citizens. Drone footage of river completely shocked the entire nation.
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9. Tesla Tower, Russia-

Yes, this is the same tesla tower which is also known as a “lightning machine”. It was said that since the time of its inception it generated enough electric power that it can easily cater the electric needs of the world. Media correspondents from the world are invited to this place for a quick look at how tower runs and produce electricity. Every test and demonstration release the electric energy equal to 25,000 electricity switches. There is also a rumor that this place is now undertaken by the Soviet Union. The image taken by the drone helps you in imagining the real power of the plant.
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10. Spitsbergen, Norway-

This place is located 650 miles far away from the North Pole. At this location, there is a vault that contains more than860,000 “backup” seed samples. These seed samples are used if humans lose all the crops. The vault is designed in 2006 in order to keep away the moisture. The temperature inside the vault is always kept at -18°C or -.4°F.


Once and for all, above images and their discoveries are not possible without revolutionary drone technology. Sometimes, drones are also used for bad purposes, but undoubtedly these images verify that a drone can be used positively. Now, what are you waiting for…? Just go and share these incredible photos with your friends and families.

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