Sunday, May 5, 2024

This Is What Happens When You Ask the Wrong Guy for Photoshop Help

Must read

This generation is obsessed with pictures, especially selfies. With the advent of social networking sites like Snapchat, Instagram, everyone is looking to post more and more exciting pictures to gain more followers. But what can you do if you are an amateur photographer? Well, you turn to the photoshop gurus and ask for their help. But don’t just ask any random guy for help, because the results will be hilarious!

This guy did a wonderful Job anyway.


1. Ready for battle.

[adinserter block=”16″]

2. Great. Now he needs a bro bra.

[adinserter block=”16″]

3. America the beautiful.

[adinserter block=”16″]

4. Will there be a second date?

[adinserter block=”16″]

5. Just shave them off. Cut your losses.

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”5th page”][adinserter block=”16″]

6. One small step for man…

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

7. As smooth as a baby’s bottom.

[adinserter block=”16″]

8. Welcome to adulthood.

[adinserter block=”16″]

9. He’s very, very flexible.

[adinserter block=”16″]

10. That’ll do it.

[adinserter block=”16″]

11. Making America great again…or something like that.

[adinserter block=”16″]

12. She’s got legs…

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

13.What a bum deal.

[adinserter block=”16″]

14.Up, up and away!

[adinserter block=”16″]

15. Oh, they’ll know it’s you.

[adinserter block=”16″]

16. It’s logic.

[adinserter block=”16″]

17. Sticking his neck out a bit.

[adinserter block=”16″]

18. And then next pick up a dictionary.

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

19. Damn, that happiness!

[adinserter block=”16″]

20. Sad Affleck.

[adinserter block=”16″]

21. Busy, busy!

[adinserter block=”16″]

22. Oui, oui!

[adinserter block=”16″]

23. With all the comforts of home.

[adinserter block=”16″]

24. Here kitty, kitty…

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”6th and multiple”]

25. I think I can…

[adinserter block=”16″]

26. Can you keep up?

[adinserter block=”16″]

27. Shake it off.

[adinserter block=”16″]

28. Spelling is very important, people.

[adinserter block=”16″]

29. I think this is his best work yet.

[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”last page”]

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