Monday, May 6, 2024

This is Why Urination After Intercourse Is Important !

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Intercourse is the most natural thing (and satisfying) that human beings do. However, you will be surprised to know that you are exposed to several risks and harmful microbes after Intercourse. Fortunately, there are various ways to reduce the chances of such risks.

1. Harmful Bacteria

There is a high risk of harmful bacteria entering the body through different areas to the vagina and the urinary tract due to penetration from intercourse. However, this risk is reduced immensely if you urinate after intercourse since that will remove these harmful bacteria from the urinary tract. Source[adinserter block=”16″]

2. Infectious Bacteria

Here, we are referring to the bacteria originating from the anus which is located near the penetration region. If you want to reduce the chances of getting infected, it is always advised to maintain proper hygiene before and after intercourse.
Source[adinserter block=”16″]

3. Microbes

There is a short time period after intercourse during which microbes can move through the urethra to the urinary tract. These microbes come from the rectum and genitalia, and also spreading of fecal matter is also a huge source of infection, but if proper hygiene is practiced before and after intercourse, these risks can be easily reduced.
Source[adinserter block=”16″]

4. Bladder Infection

If the microbes move through the urethra, you need to clean that part since there is a chance that this might lead to bladder infection, if neglected. And for women prone to cystitis, it is even more important to practice proper hygiene after intercourse. The best solution would be to use a neutral pH soap to clean the area. Source[adinserter block=”16″]

5. Urination Vs. Ejaculation

For women, since the urethra isn’t involved in ejaculation, the urinary tract won’t be normally cleared; hence it is highly suggested to urinate afterwards. Try to urinate within an hour after intercourse.
Source[adinserter block=”16″][adinserter name=”last page”]

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