Sunday, May 5, 2024

Parents Share The Most Dark And Chilling Thing Their Child Has Ever Said To Them

Must read

Most of the times, certain uncanny things are experienced by us.  Or it may also happen to some people who are around us in our family or among our relatives. Such things or incidents are often inexplicable and do not have any scientific basis. That is why most of us just brand those as mere mistakes caused by our tired brains. But think again. At certain times, the incidents even indicate something that is beyond any explanation or any scientific reason. These are generally too scary for us to tolerate.

Here are some of the most dark and chilling things that ever happened or any child has ever reported to their parents. Have a look and you are sure to experience a chill run down your spine without your knowing it.


When my cousin was just two years old, her mom had got pregnant again. One day she had gone to hug her mom’s belly and said, “Little brother sick”. A few days later she actually had a miscarriage. Sounds a bit shocking, is it not?


My 6-year-old daughter was just in the passenger seat a few days ago and looked at me and said, “Dad, when I’m seven I’m going to kill you. No wait, when I’m eight.” I asked, “How are you going to do that?” She smiled a bit and said, “I’m going to drive over your head with this car.”


My 3 years old daughter was in the bath while playing with her soft toys with me and laughing just like that without any reason as children generally do. Suddenly her face deadpans, she just stares at me in the eye, and tells me in a very serious little voice, “Mummy, if you bit and ate all my fingers off I wouldn’t love you anymore.”
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My daughter was just 3 years old then, she walked downstairs in the morning and said, “Look what I can do!” and she crossed her eyes. It was then that I asked her how she learned to do that and she said, “The boy taught me at night.”

Me: “What boy?”

Her: “The boy with the glasses… He did this!” And she held her finger up and then zoomed it to her nose and crossed her eyes again.

She said that he only laughed and laughed.

Not too scary, right? Only . . . . . that is the way how my brother taught me to cross my eyes when I was 5 years old. He had died when I was just 7 years old.


Not a parent, but just a former teacher.

I taught English in a school in Spain, and I was not really supposed to let the kids know that I speak Spanish so that they were forced to communicate only in English. A 10 years old girl comes up to me one day, grabs me by the hand, and says, with the most horrifying, straight face ever, “Te vas a la muerte”, or “You’re going to die.”

I was so much shocked at the randomness of it that even my jaw must have dropped. She then laughed her head off and said, “HA! You DO speak Spanish!” She then skipped away, just laughing and smiling.

It the creepiest thing a kid has ever said to me. And probably the cleverest thing a kid ever did while I was just a teacher.


My 4 years old son said, “Daddy, I want to drill into your tummy, crawl inside and eat your dinner.” The food was alright but I did not think it was actually worth that much effort.
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When my son was very small, I was talking to him about growing potatoes. I was describing how you bank up the earth around them as they grow, and he said, “I used to do that when I was an old man.”


My mother-in-law was picking my son up from school because I had some things to do. She was actually supposed to just drop him off (I really hate that horrible woman), but instead he comes running through the door and just yells, “Daddy I invited grandma for dinner.”


I was actually explaining to my niece the distinction between things that can and cannot change about people. She was very much confused because she had met a set of three siblings and the eldest was not the tallest.

So I told her that one day even SHE, an itty bitty four-year-old could be taller than me, when she is a big huge grownup. But even if she was taller, I would always be older to her.

She just looked me very seriously and said, “You’ll be dead sooner too.”
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“When you turn off the lights, that’s when the black circles come. They come down like this (holds his hands in the air above his bed), and they stay for a second, then zoop! they go inside! (slapping the hands to his chest).”

Then, just barely holding back tears, “I hate it.”


I was with my sister, her husband, and their 2 years old daughter. We were talking about loved ones who had recently passed away. My brother-in-law just went and grabbed a picture of his mother, who had died in a car crash when he was only six years old, to show me. When my niece saw the picture at a glance, she started laughing all on a sudden. We asked her what was so funny and she looked at us and said. “That’s my special friend who sings to me”. I still shiver a bit only by thinking about that incident.


We were driving down a dark, snowy highway quite late one evening. It was the final stretch of an almost 16 hour’s long road trip. My son, who was around 4 or 5 years at the time, was in the back seat and getting a bit restless. All of a sudden, he covered his face with a blanket and announced very loudly, “I don’t want to get glass on my face!”

A few moments later, a pickup truck from the towing truck dublin service that was towing some snowmobiles pulled out in front of a tractor trailer a few cars in front of us and actually got hit, spinning out roughly into the median. Fortunately, we had avoided the accident completely. It was indeed a way lot creepy, though, almost as though he just predicted there was going to be an accident right in front of us.
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I had to share a room with my 4 years old for a few weeks. “Mummy when you were sleeping, I woke up and there was a ghost with no face standing over you touching your arm, it was taking your dreams out of your body with its mouth.”


I cannot exactly remember if she was 3 or 4 years of age, but our little daughter’s voice peeped up from the back seat one morning:

“Dad, do babies bathe in blood?”


My 4 years old daughter (she is 17 years of age now) once sat up from a nap, stared at me, and said in a perfect Irish accent, “It’s colder in here than a hot cup of worth.” We are not in any way Irish. I have no idea what it actually means, but that is pretty much heavy for a 4-year-old child.
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My mum stayed with us just for a few months when my daughter was 3 or 4 years of age. When she moved out, the spare room was still called “Nanna’s Room”. I asked my daughter to get something upstairs one fine day. She did and came back to me and said, “Who is that old lady in nanna’s room?”


My young daughter said she had just made a new friend. Her mother and I are like, “Cool hun, what’s her name?” It is Casey Junior. So then we ask when we can invite her over here to play. My kid says we cannot because she is long dead.

Later that night, after putting my daughter to bed, I heard laughter and talking coming from her room. I just went to investigate. As I got to the door, I heard my daughter say, “No Casey, stop tickling me!” amidst bouts of giggles. I walked into the room quickly, not knowing what to expect. There was just my daughter in the whole freaking room and no one else could be seen at all.


My son always says odd things. Usually they are very funny but this one just threw me for a loop. He is just 8 years old. I was telling him how much I love him and thanked him for being in my life. He said, “I didn’t choose this life. I couldn’t control how it began. But I can control how it ends.” What the hell was that?!
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My niece drew a nice picture of the “man in her room” that she always kept telling her parents about. He had two different colored eyes, and one was gray among them. When asked why it was gray, she responded, “Because he can see the storm coming.”


My wife’s first husband had come from a superstitious family. When he died they gave a red ribbon to her, which they told her she had to tie to bed or else he would definitely drag her down to hell.

She did not do it. She was not at all superstitious, so she left it in a drawer and later just threw it out.

A little while later we were dating, and her brother-in-law came over. It was the very first time she had spoken to him since her husband died. He made her come down and formally invite him in, because he thought he would be cursed if he entered his dead brother’s home and that too uninvited.

As the hours went by, he got drunk more and morer, and soon started pointing in the corner and saying, “He’s there. My brother is standing right there watching us.” He would look like he was listening to someone, and then say things like, “He says he misses his son.”


By nighttime, he became convinced he was actually possessed by the ghost of his dead brother. He said, “I’m back, my wife!” and told her they needed to go to the bedroom just to celebrate. He also tried to take a swing at me before we escorted him out and finally got him a cab.

About six months later, we had moved to another town. My wife’s son had a very bad fever, and he kept waking up crying and yelling, “Too scary! Too scary!” We let him sleep in our bed, and he would wake up, pointing to the side of the bed by where my wife slept and say, “Scary man! Scary man!”

Finally he had recovered, and his fits died down. Until one day, my wife showed him a picture of his biological father.

He started crying upon seeing the picture. He just pointed at it and said, “Scary man!”
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When my niece was just 3 years old, she covered up my head with a blanket and held it down. I moved my head out where I could see her. She said, “You can’t come out” and smothered me again. I laughed and said, “Why?” She gritted her teeth and angrily said, “Because I don’t want you to.”


When my niece was around three or four years old, she had told me she used to have a baby but it drowned. The baby was called Peanut Butter, but still it sounds really strange and weird.


When our dog died, without us yet having properly attempted to explain the sudden death, our then two year old said, “All her thoughts left her body.”

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My mom died when I was just 19 years of age. When I’m having a bad day, I often find myself wishing I had my mom to talk to. I was having one of said days when I was trying my best to put the girls I babysit to sleep. Before I left the room, the 4 year old sits up and then says, “[My name], there’s a face behind your face.”

I asked her for clarification. “What do you mean there’s a face behind my face?”

“There’s a lady standing behind you,” she said, “and her head is on your shoulder.”

“What does she look like?” I asked her. “She’s looks like you but a lot older,” she just responded.

People had always told me that I looked like my mom very much.


When I was very little, my grandfather, whom I called Pop Pop, always promised to take me fishing. Things always came up, or I was not in town to go with him when he went, etc. He died when I was just 7 and I never had a chance to go fishing. I had never gone fishing, and have not since he died either.

Fast forward 20 years, my wife and I have a 3 years old daughter. I have never spoken to her about my Pop Pop, and I have never talked about him in front of her. I have not brought him up to anyone since before my daughter was even born. One day, I am off to work and at home with my daughter and she is in her room. Suddenly, she just comes running into the living room where I am sitting, and says the following:

Her: Daddy, we have to go fishing! (We don’t live near a lake or anything so this was kinda weird for her to say in the first place)

Me: Why do we have to go fishing?

Her: Because Pop Pop says you have to take me!

Me: Wait, what? Who told you?

Her: Pop Pop says you need to take me to go fish.

I am not really a believer in an afterlife or anything, but I damn sure took her fishing. She has not mentioned Pop Pop since then, and it has been almost a year since that had taken place.


I am not a parent, but as a young child (aged 3-5 years), I would sleepwalk into my parents’ room and stand by their bed quietly. My dad would wake up, find me and try to put me back to bed. I would tell him I could not go back to bed, because “the tall men are walking.” This stopped immediately after moving from that particular house (the tall men comments stopped, the sleepwalking still continued and still happens).

Then, when I was around 15 years of age, we were at church one day and I overheard one of the younger kids ask his parents as they walked away, “Who are those men?”

“What men, honey?”

“The tall men with [my name].”

I could not sleep well for a couple of nights after that.
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My child had woken up very early so she was watching cartoons next to me in my bed while I tried to wake up.

I had heard a funny sound downstairs earlier that I mentally blamed on the dogs.

Then kiddo leans over to me and remarks, “Oh, there’s a man in the house.”


Never found anything still, never got any further details from her also.


When my son was 3 years of age, he kept saying he had a baby sister with a pink bow, but she died. We never had a baby girl; however, we did have a miscarriage just before that episode took place.


My dad is the owner of a Hostel in Buenos Aires and he actually runs it. We have plenty of people from all over the globe, but especially many from South America. More often than not, there are no kids seen around, but every once in a while we receive a number of families.

So, there is this family in the Hostel. The family consists of one little boy and his parents. The little boy is the only kid in the whole place. On one chilly winter night, he just appears in the common room asking, who is that little girl with the yellow raincoat in the bathroom. Once again let me say, HE’S the only underage in the entire place.

The spooky moment actually comes 6 months later. There is no kid this time. A 40 years old lady who hails from Spain asks us, “Whose child is the little girl with the yellow raincoat in the bathroom?”

Oh, and by the way: the door for that bathroom constantly closes by itself (it really must be the wind). What is more, the building used to be a nursing home and also a mental asylum before that.

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