Sunday, May 5, 2024

11 Images That Illustrate The Ugly Side Of Internet And Technology

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This present age is indeed the age of technology and technological advancements! However, we need to sometimes question ourselves as to whether the internet has proved to be a boon or it has made us even more cruel and gruesome. Most of the time, we can often see ourselves be fighting for this cause of free wi-fi or free internet Nowadays, the present scenario is such that free access to wi-fi has become a part of the basic necessities of human beings other than food, shelter, and clothing.

At certain times, we fight among ourselves in order to gain access to free wi-fi. This trend has increased in the recent years. Let us have a look at 11 images that are the apt description of the ugly side of this present technological advancement.

1. The mirage called ‘free Wi-Fi’

2. So true. Especially low battery and blue ticks

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3. Beg, borrow, steal for ‘likes’

4. Apt road signs

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5. True story!

6. HAHAH = -_-

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7. Inside the big well of excuses

8. Sorry book!

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9. The transition of ‘inner child’

10. The new power

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11. Bingo!


12. Watch a video

Incredible Internet Facts

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